16 Articles ReturnedCOVID-19 has impacted millions across the U.S. Unfortunately due to this pandemic, many families hav...[More]
On Monday, October 12th, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed bipartisan "Clean Slate" House Bills 4980-...[More]
It’s been almost two months since Larry Nassar was sentenced up to 175 years in prison for sexual as...[More]
The Michigan House of Representatives passed bills that would allow concealed pistol carry without a...[More]
Temperatures outside are rising and often lead to increased energy bills. It's the middle of sum...[More]
Legislation to allow short-term rentals in all residential zones was introduced in both the House an...[More]
Although it's still warm out, it's never too early to start preparing for winter and thinking about ...[More]
Got your tax bill and not sure where to pay it? You have options to pay your bill: online, in pe...[More]
Two House Bills were put in front of the House Tax Policy Committee to decide whether or not assesso...[More]
Two Michigan house bills currently under review would make changes to the Open Meetings Act if appro...[More]