50 Articles ReturnedThe Michigan House of Representatives passed bills that would allow concealed pistol carry without a...[More]
Temperatures outside are rising and often lead to increased energy bills. It's the middle of sum...[More]
A House bill could be passed that would prohibit all cellphone use while driving. Meridian Towns...[More]
Legislation to allow short-term rentals in all residential zones was introduced in both the House an...[More]
After three years of planning and collecting funds, Haslett Community Church will officially be addi...[More]
Historically, the price of natural gas is lower than it was 10 years ago. As the weather gets cold, ...[More]
On Oct. 3rd, 2015 Michigan implemented the Blue Alert Bill to help law enforcement officers be aware...[More]
A new bill passed through the Senate creating a separate infrastructure fund within the Department o...[More]
For years, big box stores have been appealing to the Michigan Tax Tribunal for a reassessment of the...[More]
Legislation proposed on March 3, 2015 by Senator Steven Bieda that clarifies tax exemptions for elde...[More]