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6 Articles Returned

Census Data Shows Significant Growth in Meridian Township

The U.S Census Bureau released the 2020 Census data on Thursday, revealing that Meridian Township ha...[More]

Census Bureau to Release Redistricting Data

By August 16, the United States Census Bureau is set to release in-depth demographic statistics from...[More]

First 2020 Census Reports Released

On April 26, the U.S. Census Bureau held a news conference to announce the initial findings of the 2...[More]

More Than 99% of All Addresses in the U.S Were Counted in the 2020 Census

Officials from the U.S. Census Bureau held a tele-conference on Wednesday to give updates about the ...[More]

Census Day 2020

April 1, the day many know as April Fools day. With the year being 2020, April 1 is also Census Day....[More]

A Closer Look at Meridian Township Census Numbers

Back in 2010 the census revealed that Meridian's population increased by six percent. The census sho...[More]

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