Search Results

ice cream

50 Articles Returned

Annual Prescribe Burn Notice with Ingham County Drain Office

The Ingham County Drain Office conducted their annual controlled prescribed burning on Wednesday, Ap...[More]

Meridian Township Manager Provides Update on Developing Police Incident

The Meridian Township Police responded to a retail theft incident at the 2000 Block of Grand River A...[More]

Meridian Township Proposes Synthetic Ice Rink at Marketplace on the Green Venue

Marketplace On the Green, the recently-built Meridian Township farmers market located behind Meridia...[More]

Stay Safe On The Ice This Winter With These Ice Safety Tips

With temperatures rising and dropping at different rates this winter, ice on lakes can be unstable t...[More]

LaFontaine Voices Opposition to Powell Road Special Assessment District

A representative from the LaFontaine Automotive Group voiced their opposition to the Powell Road Spe...[More]

New Fire Service Agreement with Alaiedon Township

During the Meridian Township Board meeting on February 23rd, the Township discussed approving a new ...[More]

Ingham County Health Department Gives Advice On COVID-19 Vaccine Registration

Although the Ingham County Health Department (ICHD), Sparrow Health System and McLaren Greater Lansi...[More]

The Michigan State Police Will Receive Moderna Vaccine Instead of Pfizer

The Michigan National guard will deploy 975 doses of the Moderna vaccine to the Michigan State Polic...[More]

Dr. Bernice King to be Featured in the Televised MLK Day of Celebration Event

The Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan will celebrate MLK day with a televised eve...[More]

New Police Officers Officially Introduced To the Meridian Township Board

The Meridian Township Board held their first virtual meeting of the year on Tuesday, January 5th due...[More]

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