39 Articles ReturnedThe National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland has accepted three members of the Meridian Townshi...[More]
First Class Dog Training is a 3-day veterinarian-approved training method for your dog. The basic ob...[More]
It was a bustling morning full of rubble, dust and treats. The Meridian, Lansing and East Lansing fi...[More]
Watch Meridian Magazine on HOMTV to find out why these firefighters are clearing debris and rubble. ...[More]
Metro Lansing Fire Departments (Meridian Township, East Lansing, Lansing, and Delta Township) are co...[More]
Before the site of Hershey's Restaurant is torn down to make room for Sparrow Hospital's new urgent ...[More]
More than 300 unemployed Michigan residents will have the opportunity to enroll in a free transition...[More]
Meridian Township firefighters recently took part in an emergency rescue training exercise....[More]
Your local fire fighters can handle much more than the typical fire run. MUSAR stands for Michigan u...[More]