Giguere Homes
22 Articles ReturnedPowell Road lies east of Okemos and runs north off of Meridian Road. It already has one subdivision...[More]
A request to establish a group day care home for up to 12 children at 4628 Manitou Drive was brought...[More]
The Rezoning #15040 of Mayberry Homes had been up for discussion at the Dec. 8, 2015 regular Townshi...[More]
More homes may be coming to Meridian Township, if a request is approved. President of Mayberry H...[More]
You may not know it, but if you live by the Red Cedar River or Lake Lansing, your house may be sitti...[More]
What was formally the Erickson Learning Center will eventually become the new Fedewa Townhomes. ...[More]
Water meter replacements around Meridian Township started Monday, March 2nd. Around four hundred met...[More]
Michigan winters can be brutal. Homes and vehicles need to be protected from the harsh weather condi...[More]
Fedewa Builders are hoping to build new townhomes at 1730 Chamberlain Way. The townhomes will includ...[More]
Find out how people are sustaining energy through their homes....[More]