Showing Kindness in Haslett

Showing Kindness in Haslett

HASLETT - Kindergarten and first graders from Wilkshire Early Childhood Center paid local Haslett businesses a visit to celebrate them along with expressing how important it is to pass on kindness. Their mission - to pass on kindness through their Be Kind Campaign.

The students visited store fronts located on the four corners on Haslett and Marsh Road. These stores included Subway, Jets Pizza and Changes Hair Design to name a few.

Students arrived by bus and were escorted by teachers and chaperones to the different stores. The children jumped down each step of the bus with excitement and a willingness to show kindness to others.

Nicole LeFevre, a Kindergarten teacher at Wilkshire Early Childhood Center was a part of the moving force that made Be Kind Day a reality. The 100 Women of Haslett, a part of the Haslett Foundation, helped to fund the Be Kind Project with a 500 dollar grant.

"We dropped off a flower and a "Be Kind" sign and just sang them a kindness song and tried to brighten up their day a little bit," LeFevre stated.

The sign reads "Be kind. Pass it on. Your friends at Wilkshire Early Childhood Center". With the added bonus of the children singing a song about being kind, this moment became particularly special for employees such as Michael Thompson.

"It made me feel good. I love seeing children spreading cheer in the community," Thomson mentioned. "I love children being taught kindness because sometimes there is not a lot of kindness it seems in the world."

Thompson, the Assistant Manager of the Haslett Jets Pizza, is a father to three step- daughters and a grandfather to three grandchildren. The message of passing on kindness hit home for him and made him think about the society we live in today.

"It made me think that, to me, a lot of things are up in the air and I worry about future generations in this country and especially women. When I see kids out doing this and all unified together like that, it gives me a little bit more hope."

Sometimes being kind is all it takes to brighten up someone's day, and students from Wilkshire chose Tuesday morning to pass that kindness on.

"I think Kindergartners and first graders, they just get so excited to know that they made somebody smile," LeFevre continued. "They brought something to them and it was a surprise. I think they just felt special and they felt happy because they made somebody else happy. Hopefully that business continues to spread kindness also," stated LeFevre.

What may seem like a simple gesture, can end up making a big impact on a community.

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