Snyder's Plan for MI Roads

Snyder's Plan for MI Roads

UPDATE: LANSING - Governor Rick Snyder recently unveiled his plan to improve MI roads, but at what cost to you?

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - The American Society of Civil Engineers recently gave the state of Michigan a letter grade "D" on its infrastructure, and this month Governor Rick Snyder unveiled his plan to improve this. He's hoping to generate over $1 billion dollars more for the state roads and bridges. Managing Director of the Ingham County Road Commission, Bill Conklin, supports the governor's ideas, but says the devil is in the details. "I think it'll help with our freeways, although many of our freeways, currently about 90% of our freeways are in pretty good shape," says Conklin. But some streets in Meridian Township are in pretty bad shape, filled with pot holes, but Governor Snyder's plan as it stands only intends to improve heavily trafficked streets, not smaller ones. And although all drivers won't reap the benefits of the proposed infrastructure improvements, everyone will pay for them. If Governor Snyder has it his way, all drivers will pay an additional $10 each month for their vehicle registration, more than doubling the annual payment for some Michigan drivers. And that's not all, individual counties reserve the right to charge an additional $40 annually for vehicle registration fees under Governor Snyder's new plan. It is important to note, however, that it is just that, a plan. No legislation has been passed yet on these ideas.

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