Recall Efforts Press Forward

Recall Efforts Press Forward

UPDATE: LANSING - Since this story originally aired, the Committee to Recall Governor Rick Snyder has been unsuccessful in gaining the required signatures by the September 29th deadline. The means this issue will not be on the February ballot. The efforts have since sizzled away.

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - A statewide group is not giving up, even after somewhat of a setback in their efforts to get Michigan's governor out of office.

One Lansing constituent tells HOMTV, "We elected our officials and I think we should give them a chance to do their jobs." But not everyone feels this way. Even after failing to collect enough signatures before the initial August deadline, the Committee to Recall Governor Rick Snyder (CRRS) now intends to collect over 800,000 signatures for the September deadline. However, Senior Policy Fellow of Public Sector Consultants, Craig Ruff says he's not so sure the committee has what it takes to pull this off.

The committee, on the other hand, isn't letting a doubtful public get in the way of their mission. Public Committee Chair of the CRRS, Marty Townsend tells HOMTV, "Naysayers said we wouldn't get 100 thousand signatures without spending a half a million dollars. We crossed the 100 thousand mark. We crossed the 200 thousand mark. We crossed the 300 thousand mark and we haven't spent 40 thousand dollars."

Though the committee declined to give their latest signature count, they will continue to hold petition signing events up until their September 29th deadline. Meanwhile Ruff challenges the validity of their movement in its entirety.

The Snyder office did not respond to requests to comment on the matter.

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