Sewer Project On Hold

Sewer Project On Hold

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Residents of one 50 year old subdivision are not happy with a potential township decision that could cost them thousands of dollars.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Greenwood Subdivision currently has no sewer service. Residents are using septic tanks and drain fields only, but when one resident complained that he wanted to connect to the township sewer once his system failed, the township board began considering their options.

The issue is while some residents are interested in a township sewer service, some already have functioning systems. Furthermore, a township ordinance would require everyone, even those with working systems, to hook-up to the township sewer within one year—a service that could cost up to $12-15 thousand dollars. Though the board is considering a revision to this ordinance, Director of Public Works & Engineering, Ray Severy says that the decision isn’t necessarily theirs to make.

"State law says that they have to hook-up within 18 months. Then there's something in another paragraph that says that if they don't, then the township may take action against them, but the word is ‘may.’ So somebody says well if the word is ‘may’ then that means you don't really have to enforce it," says Severy.

Severy says this could be on the township board’s agenda for March 6th or March 20th. They want to be sure notices are sent to everyone in the neighborhood and give them an opportunity to give public comment during the meeting.

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