29 Articles ReturnedMeridian Township’s Deputy Township Manager Derek Perry received the “Best of the Best – Top Assista...[More]
With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive or...[More]
School is just right around the corner which means officials are reminding parents about getting you...[More]
This summer, kids ages 9-13 can learn how to operate television equipment and even get a chance to b...[More]
During the July 18th Township Board meeting, the Board discussed the possibility of creating a plan ...[More]
Legislation to allow short-term rentals in all residential zones was introduced in both the House an...[More]
People dressed in pink with signs of support swarmed to The Rock on Farm Lane to rally for Planned P...[More]
Capstone Collegiate Communities LLC proposed to construct a 290 multiple family residential units at...[More]
School is just around the corner.The hallways will soon be filled. And kids will be back in the clas...[More]
A Boil Water Advisory has been put into effect for the water systems in Meridian Township and East L...[More]