Gas Station
50 Articles ReturnedWith the new Central Fire Station finally up and running, there are many new additions that have bee...[More]
Thanks to the new Kroger gas station, Meridian shoppers can now fill their trunks and their tanks. T...[More]
Meridian Township will be cutting the ribbon and celebrating the grand opening of the new Central Fi...[More]
It was a full house today as Meridian Township opened its doors to the new and improved Central Fire...[More]
There was a special appreciation event for the Board and Commission members of the Meridian Township...[More]
The Haslett-Okemos Rotary Foundation awarded a $5,000 donation to Meridian Township for the communit...[More]
Demolition of Meridian Township's former Central Fire Station located on Clinton Street in Downtown ...[More]
If you often shop at Kroger in Meridian Township, you've probably noticed that they've started const...[More]
Throughout the state, several landfills have been outfitted with equipment that captures gases relea...[More]
The new Central Fire Station on the corner of Central Park Drive and Okemos Road in Meridian Townshi...[More]