MSU Museum Hosts Speaker Sessions on Sexual Assault

MSU Museum Hosts Speaker Sessions on Sexual Assault

EAST LANSING - January 15th marks the anniversary date in which more then 1,000 women found their voices and spoke out against the sexual assault abusers they faced. January 15th of 2019 the Michigan State Museum and The Army of Survivors brought together a powerful panel of specialist to help explain trauma in the first installation of a speaker series called

Finding Our Voice: Sister Survivors Speak. The panel included faculty representatives from the MSU Department of Psychology, who had specifications in certain areas pertaining to trauma. The moderator were the discussion was Heather L. McCauley from the MSU Department of Human Development and Family Studies.

The atmosphere of this event rang with seriousness and strength, with a large undertone of support. The knowledge that was shared and the questions that were asked really helped in opening a dialogue for such a sensitive topic.

Dr. Rebecca Campbell, who represented the MSU Department of Psychology, stated three core ideas for people to know when it comes to understanding how trauma is view by survivors as it pertains to them.

“Trauma is what survivors say trauma is. 2nd trauma lasts however long survivors say trauma lasts. And 3rd trauma is healed when survivors say trauma is healed.”

There was a guest appearance by the incomparable Judge Rosemary Aquilina. She spoke early in the session to remind all of the sisters that they are supported and that the words spoken by Engler will not be taken lightly. She was honored with floweres by the Director, Mark Auslander, Director of Development Chong-Anna Canfora and Museum Staff for her fearless and impeccable stance in the courtroom.

The end goal of the series is to continue a dialogue for Sexual Assault has no age, gender, or race. It’s a growing issue that must be spoken on and used to teach everyone how to be more educated in such a sensitive topic.

The series will close out with an art installation that will be at the Michigan State Museum for a year. The opening ceremony will take place on Tuesday April 16th at 5:30PM. It will showcase all forms of artwork done by Sister Survivors and their families.

The next discussion for the speaker series will be Tuesday February 12th at 5:30PM at the MSU Museum. The topic is Understanding Consent: Legal and Ethical Perspectives on Sexuality and Sexual Violence.

For more info and a full schedule of the speaker series visit or call at 517-355-2370.

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