MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The November General Election is only about a month away, and to ensure your voice is heard, local organizations and officials are encouraging residents to register to vote.
“Voter Registration is pretty straightforward, it’s a simple form to fill out, you can come to the Township Clerk Office here in the Municipal Building, fill it out there. Or you can go to the secretary state office and get your voter registration taken care there as well.”
Michigan is one of the states that does not allow online voter registration to happen so it is a physical process that must be done. A voter registration drive took place at Lansing Community College's East Campus, to help encourage students to register to vote.
According to Dreyfus, estimates are saying that the expectation for voter turnout is the highest recorded turnout in a non-presidential history election, “normally in an off-year election we might get upwards of 60% of voters coming in, we may hit 80% this year which would be even possibly be higher than the presidential election.”
“It's critical, every person's voice counts, everybody from young to old, every type of population, every kind of diverse person within our community adds to that fabric of voices that has to speak out and that’s how we help our democracy function,” Dreyfus added.
October 9th is the last day to register to vote in Michigan's November General Election.
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