Haslett Road Marathon Awning

Haslett Road Marathon Awning

UPDATE: HASLETT - The Marathon gas station in Haslett has been approved for some changes.

The Zoning Board of Appeals held an special meeting last week regarding the construction of a new awning. The previous one collapsed under the weight of the snow earlier this winter. Although it took a while to get everyone on the same page, this meeting went well for both sides.

Jim Herschiser, the Zoning Board of Appeals Chair had this to say about the meeting. "The representative did an excellent job. The Zoning Board of Appeals seemed to agree wholly and unanimously. Therefore we voted 5-0 in favor of giving variance to the applicant which will allow them which will allow them to replace the protective canopy"

Construction began almost immediately and the new awning will likely be completed soon.

ORIGINAL STORY: HASLETT - The Zoning Board of Appeals made a decision regarding the construction of a new awning at the Haslett Rd. Marathon. Watch Meridian Magazine to see what happened.

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