Red Cedar Flats Request Approved

Red Cedar Flats Request Approved

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - At the recent meeting, the Township Board passed a motion for a unit development at Red Cedar Flats. The apartment complex is located off of Grand River on Northwind Drive. The applicant came to the board and requested that they approve a permit to develop something new in the area; a bike path. The main topic of discussion was whether or not the applicant has enough room in the area to develop a safe path for pedestrians to use.

The Board showed their support for this project, and ended up passing the motion. Township Clerk Brett Dreyfus further commented on why this project is so important to the Township, "We do want the idea of complete streets, which is not just automobile centric, but actually is pedestrian friendly, and encourages biking and other non-motorized transportation."

The primary concern is the safety of Meridian Township residents, and ultimately, the board believes that this project will be beneficial to the Township.

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