Local Drainage Pond In Need of Improvements

Local Drainage Pond In Need of 

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - At the July 21st Township Board meeting, representatives of The Ponds Cooperative Homes, Inc. expressed the need for repairs to the Daniel's Drain system.

The current system, which has been in place for over forty years, has failed in several places. Because of these failures, the pond has been contaminated with phosphorus and chlorides, and has also suffered from a large amount of sediment build-up.

The project to repair the drainage system would have to go through the Michigan Drain Commission, but to begin that procedure, a Chapter 20 Drain Petition would need to be filed by either the Township Board, the Ingham County Road Commission, or the Michigan Department of Transportation.

"The current condition of the 2.5 acre pond is disastrous. It is contaminated, and virtually lifeless," said the representative for The Ponds, Chuck Barbieli, an attorney with Foster, Swift, Collins, & Smith.

Suggested fixes for the issue include enlargement of the current pond and replacing the drain pipes.

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