SAW Grant Brings Improvements to Meridian Township Sewer Systems

SAW Grant Brings Improvements to 
Meridian Township Sewer Systems

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - After applying for the SAW grant two years ago, Meridian Township was granted more than $2 million dollars towards their sewer and underwater sanitation system.

Meridian Township contains more than 3,000 manholes and is approximately one-million square feet.

Derek Perry, Assistant Township Manager and Director of Public Works spoke about the first steps in the project.

"They are inspecting manholes to find out which ones are in good shape and which ones are in bad shape. They will take all of that information to make a plan. In five years, ten years, fifteen years, etc. what we need to do," said Perry.

Perry said the plan is to have all of the data collected and assessed by 2017.

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