Increasing "Adopt A Park" Opportunities Was Main Topic In Front of Park Commission


MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Park Commission met Tuesday, April 29th to discuss various projects around the Township, and one that is being touched on is the Adopt a Park Program in the area.

LuAnn Maisner, Meridian Township Parks and Recreation Director, commented on ways to get the project up and running this year.

"I think if we could maybe keep it on a smaller scale, and maybe we find a total of three service groups to three parks, and then maybe we can work to build upon that in the future. But, I think we can certainly move forward with doing something even if it is a little smaller," says Maisner.

For more information on how to get involved with a service group for the Adopt a Park Program this June, contact LuAnn Maisner at 517-853-4604 or e-mail her at

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