Possible Rezoning at Former Fire Station Site Initiated

Possible Rezoning at Former Fire Station Site Initiated

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Central Fire Station on Clinton Street closed in early February due to the condition of the building, Township staff is now in the process of determining potential future uses for the property.

The point-five-acre property has been zoned residential since 1948, however with three sides of the location currently zoned commercial, some say it makes more sense to change the location to commercial use.

“I think it makes sense for the Township economically to rezone it for C2 (commercial) because we're probably going to want to sell the property soon and I think we will get more money for the property selling it if it has a C2 zoning rather than RB (single family, high density)," said Township Board Trustee John Veenstra.

A public hearing will be scheduled at a future Planning Commission meeting to discuss the rezoning process in greater detail.

Residents are encouraged to come and voice any comments or concerns.

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