Fight Back Plaque Attack!

Fight Back Plaque Attack!

LANSING - Dental Hygiene is one of the most basic and fundamental maintenance of the human body. Fresh breath and sparkling whites are a source of self esteem and a sign of good health. It's the first impression we make at first glance when meeting potential employers or going on a first date.

The effects of poor oral hygiene can be difficult to reverse so maintaining a routine is a must. Arrange regular check ups with a dentist to stay up to date with the wellbeing of your oral health. Ensure that you maintain the health and longevity of your teeth by remembering the basics.

Spend at least 120 seconds brushing.

-Clean the outer surfaces of your upper teeth, then your lower --teeth
-Clean the inner surfaces of your upper teeth, then your lower teeth
-Clean the chewing surfaces
-For fresher breath, be sure to brush your tongue, too.

Use a small headed bristle brush to reach all areas of your mouth. Be sure to replace your brush when its bristles begins to show wear.

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