A Different Method - Hands Only CPR

A Different Method - Hands Only CPR

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - When someone falls victim to a cardiac arrest, bystanders don't know what to do. They are led to believe that only those with licenses could do CPR. While it may be worthwhile to actually take a class to learn CPR, you can still help out.

Hands-Only CPR was first published and made official back in 2008. It is recommended to use only on teens and adults who falls victim to a cardiac arrest outside a hospital setting. It only involves two very important steps: first, call 9-1-1 and second, administer CPR placing your hands on top of each other, then with the heel of your palm, push fast and hard in the center of the chest.

This method should be easier than mouth-to-mouth for those who are unsure what to do or is simply hesitant to do mouth-to-mouth. CPR classes are available.

Additional Resources
To learn more, head on over to heart.org!

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