Before Starting A Fire, Get a Permit and Follow These Safety Tips

Before Starting A Fire, Get a Permit 
and Follow These Safety Tips

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - As the warm weather continues in Meridian Township, fire pits begin to appear and are being used more frequently.

But did you know there are certain ways of lighting a fire pit to ensure safety?

"The kind of rule of thumb that I always use is start small then build it bigger if you want to," says Meridian Township Fire Inspector Tavis Millerov. "Start with a couple pieces of paper and some small wood."

According to Millerov, fire accelerators that include lighter fluid or gasoline are not recommended. Things that are green and leaves should be avoided due to their attraction of smoke.

When putting out a fire, Millerov says to continue to put water on it, and look for heat pockets within the ashes.

Within Meridian Township, residents must have their fire pits inspected and approved before lighting up this summer season.

There are two types of permits local residents can get include a barbecue permit targeted towards leisure, cooking and relaxation, or a rural residential permit meant for residents with over an acre of land allowing brush burning.

Additional Resources
To receive a permit, call Fire Station #1 at 853-4791 to arrange the on-site inspection.

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