Meridian Township Passes Human Relations Ordinance

Meridian Township Passes Human 
Relations Ordinance

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - If approved on November 7th the Human Relations Ordinance will be put into effect around November 17.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - At the Oct. 15 Township Board meeting the Chapter 30, Article II of the Human Relations Ordinance was approved. The board amended the existing Fair Housing Ordinance to prohibit discrimination against any person because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. In developing the draft the unity form ordinance was merged with the townships existing ordinance, and included some language form Delta Township and East Lansing ordinances.

Equality Michigan, Michigan’s only statewide anti-violence and advocacy organization working primarily for Michigan's LGBT communities. They work to create change on a local and state level that advances equality and legal protections for the LGBT communities. They also support communities around the state to achieve full equality and respect.

"Approving this ordinance would sound a very large message to the LGBT community," said Joel Meredith, an East Lansing resident. "It tells us that the community is behind us, and supports us. it tells us that meridian is a good place to live and work, where we will be treated equally, and fairly."

Township Trustee, Milton L. Scales is opposed to the proposed ordinance introduction because he feels that the fine is not as severe as other discriminatory acts: "If somebody is stupid enough to fire you, for your sexual orientation I'll say it again," said Scales. They will easily write a 75, 150, they will write $500, and I am no better than anybody that is of the LGBT community."

"I look forward to moving forward in Meridian Township, and offering in making this a truly inclusive place where everyone feels welcome and comfortable to work and live, and shop, and frequent our township," said Trustee, Angela Wilson.

Additional Resources
Meridian Township approved the Human Relations Ordinance with a vote of 6 to 1 changing the term “family responsibilities” to “familial status” and changing the term “sex” to gender. According to a memo from the Human Resources Director for Meridian Township, Deb LaPine, these changes mean individuals under the age of 18 residing with a parent or other person having custody is considered to be a parent.

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