Favors to Become Currency in Meridian Township

Favors to Become Currency in Meridian Township

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Favors may soon be used as currency in mid-Michigan. The idea is called a time bank. Meridian Township residents can do favors for neighbors and earn time dollars. Time dollars can be cashed in by requesting a favor online from someone else in the community. Time banks are available in 24 countries and 45 of the United States. They can improve communities without relying on government spending.

"And instead of money, time is something that's not subject to inflation. It doesn't need a bailout. It doesn't need government intervention or business tax credits. It basically is me helping you and earning a time dollar and spending a time dollar," said Meridian Township Clerk Brett Dreyfus.

Additional Resources
You can sign up to join the time bank at www.midmichigantimebank.org. Media campaigns to encourage participation will begin in September.

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