Haslett Public Schools Special Election Today

Haslett Public Schools Special 
Election Today

HASLETT - Voters of Haslett School district will be able to vote in an upcoming special election on August 6th on a new building and site sinking fund for construction and repair of school buildings.

Superintendent Michael Duda spoke about what this fund would be intended for, "Its a fund that can only be used for purposes of brick and mortar, in other words, toward building things. You can't use it for salaries, you couldn't use it for technology, buying buses. It has to be used towards those buildings."

If approved, over a ten year period about six hundred and sixty thousand dollars would be set aside each year to keep school facilities in good repair. It would cost a resident of a home that has a taxable value of one hundred thousand dollars, approximately one hundred and twenty five dollars a year.

Haslett resident Kelly Flagg explained why the millage needs to be passed, "It needs to happen, its just like having our home we have to up do, you have to refresh, you have to upgrade things, keep them in shape. Our school buildings need some repairs. They need some things to be upgraded".

One of the major projects that the millage will help fund is renovation on is the performing arts center. It will fix wiggly chairs, replace the old carpet and fix lights that don't work.

Other repairs of the school district that would come from this fund include replacing doors, sidewalk replacement, roofing, resurfacing lots and replacing the elementary playgrounds.

Voters will vote in their regular precinct.

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