Minimum Wage Increase

Minimum Wage Increase

UPDATE: LANSING - President Obama proposed a federal minimum wage increase in his state of the union address.

The proposal would require workers to pay their employees at least nine dollars an hour, a dollar sixty raise from the regular seven forty. The proposal is supposed to help increase the in-balance in national income and benefit low income families.

Although it is supposed to be seen as a benefit, Michigan State University Economic, Professor Charles Ballard thinks there will be some who won't benefit from it.

"More people would keep their job and have a higher wage then would lose their job or be unable to find work in the first place," said Ballard. "But there probably would be some losers and that is why the minimum wage is not a perfect policy. It has pluses as well as minuses."

Experts aren't certain whether or not the raise would effect employers or the workers. That can be determined once everything is put into place.

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - Workers can see increases in their earnings. Learn more about it on Meridian Magazine.

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