Health Effects of Energy Drinks

Health Effects of Energy Drinks

UPDATE: LANSING - "I tell my patients not to have energy drinks," said Dr. Ibrahim Shah, a cardiologist at McLaren Cardiovascular Group.

And with finals around the corner, it makes this a prime time to seek out these boosters.

"So yes it gives you the alertness, the jolt initially, you feel like you actually have this energy but it gives you the jitteriness and the nervousness that actually you cannot concentrate," Dr. Shah,

The ingredients are located on energy drinks but it doesn't say how much of each ingredient. This is because energy drinks are not FDA approved so they don't have too.

"Some data that supports actually one shot of an energy drink can have as much as 300 milligrams of caffeine which is actually the total daily allowance," said Shah.

Dr. Shah recommends avoiding them altogether because they can bring out underlying heart problems, even ones you didn't know existed.

Lawmakers are working to make eneryg drinks FDA approved.

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - Studies show you may not know what is in a popular drink you may have been drinking. More on Meridian Magazine.

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