Changes to Election Law

Changes to Election Law

UPDATE: LANSING - A revised bill may be changing the way you vote. House Bill 4907, originally introduced to extend deadlines for local ballot questions, has passed through the House last week. The deadline changes is projected to effect military and overseas absentee voters.

Mary Helmbrecht, the Township Clerk, for Meridian Township commented, "What has happened this year, is they have been working for several years to make it easier for the military and overseas people, to get their ballot, to vote it, and get it back here, that's a timing thing because the mail isn't the next day or two days later."

The revised bill would have the secretary of state extend the deadline for counting absentee voter ballots from military and overseas voters if the ballots were sent out after the required 45 day deadline before the election. The bill will now go to the Senate before going to Governor Snyder.

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - Already passed through the House, House Bill 4907, is on it's way to the Senate then to Governor Snyder. Find out what changes it may bring to your voting ballots.

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