Haslett-Okemos Relay for Life

Haslett-Okemos Relay for Life

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The community came together for the Haslett-Okemos Relay For Life this weekend at Haslett High School. The event lasted 24 hours.

Individuals hung out with friends and family enjoying the weather while supporting a good cause.

Jiwon Bang, an Okemos High School student, said, "My friend invited me to join her team so I decided to come out here. I thought this would be a nice event to do especially in the summer right after school is over."

There was a lot of participation due to cancer impacting a lot of families. Some participants included salons and churches.

Each team had a team member on track the entire time.

Shannon Damesworth, a member of the First Baptist Church of Okemos, stayed 24 hours.

"We actually have pretty much every hour from now until early morning filled in to walk. Then those who are staying all night will just fill in the rest of the day, but we will have someone on the track at all times from our church," said Damesworth.

The opening lap was at 3 p.m. and lasted until 3 p.m. the next day.

When people were not walking on the track they were staying cool in the shade, playing with water and doing activities that booth's provided.

The Community Representative, Kelly Feinberg said, "Relay for Life takes all year to plan. We have 11 teams that are present for our Relay For Life in Haslett and Okemos."

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The two day event at Haslett High School had much community involvement.

Additional Resources
To donate online to the American Cancer Society visit, www.HaslettOkemosRFL.org.

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