Controlled Burns

Controlled Burns

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - With the cooperation and approval of the Meridian Township Fire Department, the private company, Restoring Nature with Fire, has been conducting prescribed burns throughout the township. Land on nature reserves and in township parks has been chosen to be burned within the next several weeks.

The purpose of the controlled burns is to clear out invasive weeds and stimulate wildflowers and native plants. After the burning, the soil darkens and releases nutrients for the native fire-adapted plants and helps control the non-native species.

David Borneman, owner of Restoring Nature with Fire, explained, "Most of these prairies are healthiest if they're burned regularly, every couple of years or so. Some people burn them every year. You tend to get more flowers blooming if you burn them more regularly. But it kind of depends on the site and what the conditions are. If there are weed issues that we need to control then that might dictate when we do the burning."

Because safety is essential, the area surrounding the land to be burned is marked with "burn breaks" to control the fire and keep it within the prescribed area. The burns are also planned out deliberately and slowly maintained with proper equipment to control the fire from spreading.

The burns are also performed in a manner to minimize smoke. Fortunately, however, David Borneman says that because of the materials being burned, the smoke is no more dangerous than a campfire.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Meridian Township Officials have planned ecological controlled burns on township property within the next several weeks. Watch the next Meridian Magazine to learn more.

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