Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Ordinance Update

Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Ordinance Update

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - On July 20 the Township Board held a meeting where they discussed updates on the mixed use planned unit development ordinance. The Planning Commission has been working on this ordinance since September of 2020.

The mixed use development is an overlay district which means residential and nonresidential uses are allowed to be mixed on a site.

“This is an area that the Township Board has for a long time urged the Planning Commission to tackle. We’re very appreciative of the fact that they have tackled this, I know it’s been a tremendous amount of work,” said Supervisor Ron Styka

The goals of the MUPUD is to create more walkable pedestrian oriented developments by creating a mixed pattern of developments and to rehabilitate existing structures to maintain tradition and enhance community resources.

The amendments to the MUPUD ordinance discussed in the meeting consisted of the Meridian Mall property approved for higher density and additional building height, updating the amenities list and waiver requirements, tightening up construction approval times and requests, and updating requirements for non-residential spaces.

“A lot of work has gone into this and it is obvious, and I commend the Planning Commission for the effort they put in, and the accomplishments they have made so far in updating and improving our MUPUD,” Trustee Jackson said.

The Township Board feels a joint meeting with the Planning Commission would be beneficial before they take action on this to learn more about these amenities.

Trustee Wisinski said, “I agree that there has been a significant amount of improvement and I would like to have some conversations with the Planning Commission before going too much further.”

No further actions will be made until the Township Board and Planning Commission hold a joint meeting. Once the groups meet, a resolution will be implemented regarding the MUPUD at a future meeting. Updates will continue as more information becomes available.

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