Housing Market- Buying vs. Renting

Housing Market- Buying vs. Renting

UPDATE: LANSING - Lansing housing market has recently been named one of the top 10 most affordable markets in the country. For more information on this market, watch Meridian Magazine live at 6pm on Monday June 20th for more information!

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - According to a CNN money report, Lansing was recently listed at number two on their list of 10 "dirt cheap" housing markets in the U.S.

With the market the way it is, many people are stating off in Lansing, then moving to the suburbs later on. In fact, in comparison to a neighboring city, East Lansing, the prices are almost incomparable.

The average cost for housing in Lansing during 2010 was $49,488 where as East lansing homes averaged around $146,721.
Watch the video below for more information and tips from Debbie Barnett, owner and president of Tomie Raines, Inc

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