Thanksgiving 2020
40 Articles ReturnedBlondie’s Barn will be open for the holidays once again this year from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm on Thursda...[More]
Let the procrastinators of the world rejoice. A last minute farmers' market is bustling with shopper...[More]
The yearly number of building permits granted in Meridian Township this year to date was higher than...[More]
There is nothing better than a boat day during a beautiful Michigan summer. However, safety should b...[More]
In May, the 2020 New Business of the Year recognition for Meridian Township was awarded to Cheezy D’...[More]
The Township Board heard the 2020 valuation reports for the MERS Health care and Township Pension fu...[More]
On April 26, the U.S. Census Bureau held a news conference to announce the initial findings of the 2...[More]
On January 29th, Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel announced the release of the Michigan Human...[More]
Blondie’s Barn will continue its eight year tradition of giving away meals on Thanksgiving day. T...[More]
Today, Attorney General Dana Nessel confirmed in a statement the threats made against the Wayne Coun...[More]