tax filing
48 Articles ReturnedIt’s summer tax season in Meridian Township and understanding exactly what and how much you are payi...[More]
Just when you thought gas prices were already high, it seems as though they will only continue to cl...[More]
On the upcoming August 5 Primary Election ballot, voters will find a new proposal to remove Michigan...[More]
The April 15th income tax deadline is just around the corner. Meaning it is tax season. Many peop...[More]
The deadline for businesses to file for new exemption from personal property tax is approaching. ...[More]
Two House Bills were put in front of the House Tax Policy Committee to decide whether or not assesso...[More]
We sat down with Meridian Township Treasurer, Julie Brixie to discuss the upcoming tax deadines. ...[More]
Meridian Township recently announced that a disabled veteran or the unremarried surviving spouse of ...[More]
A property tax bill is headed to the Senate and could hurt school systems in Michigan. The proposed ...[More]
Michigan House Legislature has approved SB-25 and it is now going to the Senate. This bill deal...[More]