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Rebuild Michigan

50 Articles Returned

Whitmer Announces Michigan's COVID-19 Mandates Will Lift Sooner Than Expected

Today, Michigan takes another step towards life before the pandemic. Increased vaccinations have all...[More]

Governor Whitmer Makes Today Essential Worker Appreciation Day In Michigan

Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that June 17th would be Essential Worker Appreciation Day...[More]

Governor Whitmer Addresses Michigan Surpassing 7 Million COVID-19 Vaccinations

On May 3, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan surpassed 7 million COVID-19 va...[More]

Michigan to Host National Work Zone Awareness Week to Encourage Safe Driving

In the fall of 2020, five road workers were killed and three more were injured in work zone crashes ...[More]

Michigan Mason's Bikes for Books Program

Michigan Masons at the Okemos Lodge make an impact on elementary and middle school students each yea...[More]

New Antibody Therapy To Help Fight COVID-19 In Michigan

Governor Gretchen Whitmer, along with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, announce...[More]

Report Shows Surge in Michigan Suicide Rates and Offers Prevention Strategies

The Michigan Suicide Prevention Commission said prioritizing lowering the suicide rate within the st...[More]

Michigan Statewide Tornado Drill Happening Today

Governor Whitmer has proclaimed March 21-27 as Michigan’s Severe Weather Awareness Week. If your TV ...[More]

Michigan Democrats Fight For Stimulus Dollars To Return To Michigan Schools

Michigan House Democrats call on House Legislative Republicans to release a total of 840 million dol...[More]

The House Passes COVID Relief Bill, What This Means For Michigan

According to a press release, U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin voted in favor of the American Rescue Plan th...[More]

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