OKEMOS - Student count day is the day that the Michigan Department of Education requires schools to take a tally of their student attendance. Aside from helping to keep count of students, the tally helps determine the amount of funding each school district receives. There are two count days a year, this year being February 14, and again on October 3.
The two figures combined determine the amount of state funding, with the fall numbers representing 90% of the data. Of course, consistent student attendance means much more than gathering funding data. School officials were not available for an on-camera interview, but told us that they remind students that school attendance is critical to their academic success.
If a student is absent on count day, they may still be counted if they meet certain requirements: Students can still be counted if the student has an excused absence and attends within thirty calendar days following following student count day, has an unexcused absence and attends within ten calendar days, or if the student is suspended and attends within forty-five calender days.
October 3 is the next student count day, so save the date and make sure to get your children to school.
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