OKEMOS - T.A. Forsberg Incorporated has proposed a plan to turn their old construction yard into a mixed use multi-family community.
Brent Forsberg, president the company, gave a presentation on the redevelopment plan to the Township Board at their meeting last week. He said his company is thinking of constructing a dense family complex near the corner of Okemos and Jolly Rd.
Matt Wojciechowski, a member of the planning and development team in the company, said the site has been left there for more than 50 years.
On the east side of the construction area is a multi-family condos, and on the west there is a single family neighborhood over Kansas Road. Some trees on the west side would be cleared if the project moves forward. Two existing buildings will be taken down, and an old industrial space will be turned into a fitness center, according to the plan. Several trails will be added around the pond and drain as well as connecting the cross country pathway to Jolly Rd.
Julie Brixie, Meridian Township Treasurer, has been to the site several times. She said the good thing with the plan is that it will add some organization to the area.
"The Forsberg company is talking about doing redevelopment plan in an area of the place is now filled with trucks and construction materials," she added.
However, Clerk Brett Dreyfus opposed cutting trees on the west part to make room for the new buildings.
"You protect land whenever you have high density. This project doesn't do that. It has high density but doesn't have land protection," he said.
The company has sent out flyers and invited residents on the Kansas Road to a public input meeting this week.
President Brent Forsberg said the plan is still in the beginning. The company will also hear recommendations from the Greater Lansing Housing Coalition and other agencies in the next step.
"This process is organic. We are working through what are the suggestions and what can we feasibly put on the project," he said.
The dense family condos will have three floor apartments and approximately 450 units for people to live.