OKEMOS - Historical Village is facing the ongoing preservation problems of buildings.
All buildings in Historical Village is more than 100 years old. They need consistently repainting and repairing the boards. The main focus of the rebuilding is the historical barn, which was built in 1870. The Meridian Historical Village is trying to raise money to preserve it. Just last week, they planned to hold an activity called “beer in the barn” to raise money. However, it had to be cancelled due to poor tickets sales.
Jane Rose, executive director of meridian historical village , said: “Because without link to the past, we forget the past. If we don’t remember our past, we really don’t know why it is and where we are today. And without the link, we really don’t know how to plan to our future.”
Now Historical Village is seeking help from members, volunteers and fundraisers. If you are interested in it, call the Village office at 517-347-7300 or e-mail them at: meridianhistoricalvillage@gmail.com.
OKEMOS - To know the story behind perserving the Historical Village Barn, tune in to Meridian Magazine on 7/25!