MICHIGAN - COVID-19 has impacted millions across the U.S. Unfortunately due to this pandemic, many families have been struck with job loss, financial stress, and the inability to pay for their electrical, gas, or water bill. On Monday, January 25th, Consumers Energy announced that they would be providing $3 million to help with energy bills.
We spoke with Brian Wheeler, Senior Public Information Director for Consumers Energy, and he said that their company is also making an effort to give back to the community. The monetary assistance is provided through seven Michigan nonprofit organizations:
-United Way of Jackson County
-True North Community Services
-The Salvation Army -Michigan Veterans Trust Fund
-United Way for Southeastern Michigan
-The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)
-Society of St. Vincent de Paul
If there is a family or individual having any issues, they should call 2-1-1, which is a free service that connects people with the nonprofit organizations in their community. If a Consumers Energy customer is unable to pay a bill, they can also call 800.477.5050.
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