Life Saving Award is Granted to Three Men Who Saved a Young Boy

Life Saving Award is Granted to Three Men Who Saved a Young Boy

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - In the morning on Sunday, July 26, Brian Reed and his son Jackson were out fishing at the pond on Bois Ile Drive. While Brian was putting away his fishing equipment in the car, Jackson spotted an unaccompanied 3-year-old boy going into the pond. As Brian turned around to save the boy, Ronald “Alex” Steiner was running into the pond and rescuing the young child.

Steiner was on his apartment balcony, watering flowers that morning when he saw the boy. He said it was pretty surprising to see.

“It hits close to home because I have a small daughter as well who is about the same age as the little guy,” said Steiner. “I’m glad we were able to get him out and it wasn’t a more stressful situation than it was.”

It was then that the Meridian Township Police and Fire Departments showed up. The boy was safe.

Steiner has been living in Meridian Township for three years after coming from Minnesota. He is a PhD student at Michigan State University.

“The sight was tough to unsee,” said Brian Reed. “I’m very thankful for Alex who didn’t hesitate.”

Brain said that after Steiner rescued the boy, he comforted him and gave him great care as well.

At the Thursday, August 6, Township Board Meeting, Fire Chief Mark Hamel presented Steiner, Brian and Jackson Reed a lifesaving award.

“For your exceptional heroism demonstrated on July 26,while saving the life of your fellow citizen who was struggling staying afloat in a body of water, without hesitation, you made a decision that would forever change the life of another,” said Hamel. “Mr. Steiner with the assistance of your fellow citizens, and Brian Reed and Jackson Reed, unselfishly risked your life to save the life of another person. Your actions made a difference and saved the life of a fellow citizen.”

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