Odd Winter Weather

Odd Winter Weather

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - You may have asked yourself over these last few months, 'What happened to our winter weather?' 'Where did it go?'...

According to State Climatologist Jeff Andresen, there are multiple reasons why Michigan's weather has been milder than usual. He stated, "It's typically the configuration, or the flow of the jet stream."

The jet stream is the single most important factor in determining our day to day, and even week to week weather. Since Michigan's wind is coming from the Pacific this year versus the Arctic, it is causing Michigan to have warmer winter temperatures.

With these warmer temperatures, may bring lower heating bills, but one negative affect this abnormal winter weather is causing, is a decrease in sales at parks that offer winter activities. Lake Lansing Park North opened it's doors for the first time this weekend, and usually would of been open 15-20 days so far.

"This has been a very abnormal year over the past 11 years," said Pat Witte, Lake Lansing Park North Manager. "Normally we have had a very successful ski season, up until this year, but I guess you can't really deal with mother nature."

Witte hopes Michigan will have a nice tail end of winter weather, so people are able to come out and enjoy the rest of the winter season.

To get the latest up-to-date ski rental conditions call 517-676-2233.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - For the last few months, the weather in Michigan has been anything but normal for this time of year. Tune into Meridian Magazine Monday, January 23rd for the answers.

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