Tablets and Education

Tablets and Education

LANSING - As technology evolves, how education systems incorporate them for learning changes as well. Many K through 12 schools hope to have their computers or laptops replaced by tablets, like the Ipad, in the near future.
So how is an Ipad different?

"It makes it more mobile, and in some ways more efficient. It makes it a lot more fun, too."

Sasha Copic of Capitol Macintosh in Lansing says the Ipad is in a neutral stage between phones and computers. It's not ideal for things like typing, but does other computer functions as well.

"You'll probably be doing more exploring and web-surfing. Honestly, I think web-surfing is the best thing the Ipad does. It pry does it better than the actual computer does."

In local schools, upgrades may lag a bit behind others, but you'll still find new, advanced teaching devices in classrooms, like the interactive Smart Board.

"It allows the teacher to display what's on the computer up on a whiteboard in front of the room, but they can also interact with the computer, it's a touch sensitive screen. It also engages the students because not only will the teacher stand up there, but they'll bring students up there to interact."

Still, it looks like tablets are becoming the essential learning devices for the future.

"I think it's going to be another five or ten years before you see schools really start taking advantage of it. Now, again if you have an Ipad with all the textbooks you need, you have a computer where you can load e-books onto it. Books aren't selling anymore. Bookstores are closing, so I think you'll see them transition to computers then ipads over time."

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