Township Board Discusses a Transportation Alternative Program Resolution for Jolly Road

Township Board Discusses a 
Transportation Alternative 
Program Resolution for Jolly Road

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - On June 21, the Township Board discussed the Jolly Road transportation alternate resolution to add paved shoulders onto Jolly Road.

The Jolly Road project is scheduled to begin in 2017. The project involves resurfacing the road from Dobie to Meridian Road. Federal transportation money is required for the project to get underway.

The federal requirements for a road is six-foot wide shoulders, three of which are paved. The road needs to be fixed as there are approximately three thousand to four thousand cars that travel down Jolly Road.

In order to complete the widening of the road, there may be some required tree clearing along the sides of the road.

The Michigan Department of Transportation requests a letter of support for the grant. The motion was carried out by the Township Board.

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