Meridian Township Board Supported the Construction of Sanitary Sewer along Kansas Road and Discussed the Financial Aspects of this Project

Meridian Township Board Supported the Construction of Sanitary Sewer along Kansas Road and Discussed the Financial Aspects of this Project

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Meridian Township Department of Public Works & Engineering had received a valid petition to construct a sanitary sewer main along Kansas Road to the properties that do not currently have public sanitary sewer available. This petition was presented to the Township Board at a meeting last month.

"I'm going to be supporting this motion tonight. I'm really troubled by the fact that we have not one, not two, but three separate properties on this street that have failed septic systems. We heard that one of the owner of the properties tested their water and it has high nitrogen content in it. So this is the danger that we have with failing septic systems in poor soils," said Treasurer Julie Brixie.

At yesterday's meeting, November 17th, the Township Board voted 7 to 0 to construct the sanitary sewer along Kansas Road, but there was ongoing discussion about the new motion of the special assessment on this petition regarding the funding and budget concerns.

The Board discussed about how much amount or percent that they should help financing in this project. The new motion of the special assessment was that the Township Board helps financially 33% of the total cost or $47,200.00 which ever is less on this construction project. The Board voted 4 to 3 to oppose on this motion.

They are planning to have further discussions and public hearing to notify all the residents the actual cost of this construction and financial aid that the Township Board will be provide. If this new motion on the special assessment gets approved, it will be the first project that the Board helps financially as far as special assessment districts.

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