New Color Code Ranks Michigan Schools

New Color Code Ranks Michigan Schools

LANSING - A new color coding system has been put into effect this year for ranking schools in Michigan. The Adequate Yearly Progress report cards have been replaced with Accountability Scorecards. This new system has five colors. green being the best, lime green, yellow, orange and red.

"It's really difficult for parents to compare color to color because each school in unique," said Patty Trelstad, Deputy Superintendent of Okemos Public Schools.

However, according to the Michigan Department of Education, only three percent of Michigan Schools attained the green standard.

John Austin, President of the Michigan State Board of Education was unavailable for an on camera interview, but in a statement regarding a new system he said, "The old accountability system did not incorporate student growth as well and was not that credible because self reporting meant many schools graded themselves very highly."

The Accountability Scorecards look at proficiency levels of students as a whole but also in subgroups, meaning economically disadvantaged students, special education and students of various ethnicity's.

Okemos and Haslett districts have both fallen into the orange category but this has not influenced enrollment whatsoever,

"We are up in enrollment. We have many many more students coming to Okemos then we had even last year," said Trelstad.

According to the Michigan Department of Education, schools and districts are expected to attain an 85 percent proficiency rate in all areas by the 2021-2022 school year.

While people are still adjusting to the new system, it is designed to enhance educational results for all students.

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