The Skinny on Road Diets in Meridian Township

The Skinny on Road Diets in Meridian 

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - A "road diet" is taking a four lane road and turning into a three lane road, with one lane in each direction, a center turn lane, and two bike paths, one alone each side.

The process usually involves stripping the pavement and putting new stripes on the road.

Several Board members and residents are against spending money on road diets when some of the roads in Meridian Township are in such bad condition. They believe that the money should go to improving those roads.

Those in favor of the road diets say that it will be safer for experienced cyclists who share the road. It will also be safer for those making left-hand turns, because traffic will not have to swerve around them. Additionally, it would be safer for those who are turning onto opposing traffic, with a center turn lane.

The Township will study the possibility of turning Haslett, Lake Lansing, Mt. Hope, and Central Park Drive into three lane roads. They will look at the volume of traffic to see if two lanes, with one turn lane would be feasible.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - It seems like we've been hearing a lot about Road Diets at recent Township Board Meetings. What are they? What does it mean?

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