Township Master Plans Move Forward in Planning Commission Meeting

Township Master Plans Move Forward in 
Planning Commission Meeting

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Planning Commission recently discussed the Future Land Use Plan for Haslett and Okemos which is utilized to increase more walkability, and accessibility to public transit stations in residential areas.

According to the Haslett PICA analysis it included a total of 87,428 square footage of retail and 320 housing units which are required for 12.8 percent of those units be walkable for housing in Meridian. As for Okemos the analysis included a total of 191,458 square footage of retail and 695 housing units which are also required for 27.9 percent of walkable housing.

Demographics stated that the makeup of Meridian Township is changing. According to Meridian Township, young adults or college-aged students make up 12 percent of the township’s population. The call for more housing in relation to transit stations would increase their accessibility opposed to the traditional suburban living.

The complete draft for the revised Township Master Plan will be done by August 22nd, if the Planning Commission board approves then they must draft the plan to the Township Board.

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